Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Maya Karin

Hari tu my opis ada organise Minggu Alam Sekitar. Sebabkan nak menarik minat org (internal) dtg, my company invited Maya Karin, since dia duta Alam Sekitar.

Kalau org yg takde keje, maybe la sanggup pegi dengar taklimat. Aku dengar Maya Karin siap menyanyi.....but I stayed in the office, buat kijer.

However, sempena function ni, ada gak bukak booth jual2 barang. Ada gerai buah, ada gerai nestle (jual maggi), ada jugak booth jual vitamin. So part ni aku berminat, so aku pon pegi la kat blok 5 (the main building).

Aku tgk vitamin dia mmg la murah. Bukan murah la.....giler babi murah...ada yg RM1. Bila aku check, rupanya product2 ni is about to expire....dlm 1-6 months. Although dia claim boleh makan lepas expired, ada berani ka mau makan. I bet mamat yg jual tu makan capsule yg fresh from kilang. Tp aku beli gak la for me and hubby....hehe.

Anyway, masa tgh pilih2 ubat, Maya Karin pon datang area situ. Mula2 mata kitorg terpandang...so aku sengih. Second time dia lalu2 dekat dgn aku, aku kata Hai. Pastu dah alang2 ada kat situ.....aku pon tanya, "Salam boleh....?"...Masa tu aku terasa cam agak bangang sbb soklan tu cam akward. Lain la if aku laki and peminat dia. Pastu di kala aku rasa akward, kitorang bersalaman....dia pon tanya aku "Apa kabar?.."...Aku tak ingat apa aku jawab. Hehe. I was star struck....and i thought i'd be the last person jadi kaku biler jumpa artist.

Komen aku pasal MK, mmg lawa tp mekap dia tebal. kalau tak tebal mesti gorjes.

p/s tangan dia lembut sangattttt

Thursday, July 15, 2010

No title

Lama nye tak update....antara sebab nya busy dgn work. It's not easy to go into a business where you think it's quite feasible, and yet your management dont want to take risk. And you have hell of a time writing to convinve them in the paper.

My beloved cat, Abey, passed away end of May. Due to skin cancer, he had to be put to sleep. It was such a hard decision, which I can never have the strength to make. So my dad did. I was so sad and distraught sampai there was a time I was hyper ventilating. I could hardly breathe. Masa tu hubby was drib=ving and consoling me. Suddenly i was grasping for air, sampai hubby terpaksa berhenti emergency tepi highway. I think i cried too hard. Is there such a thing.... crying too hard? When tok ma passed away, takde la nangis seteruk ni. I miss Abey until now. Couldnt bring myself to look at his pic. Huhu. Every night before i fall asleep, I would think of Abey. Ramai kata, Abey pegi sbb nak kasi aku baby. *Sobs*

Lagi satu reason tak update sbb aku bosan giler dgn blogspot biler nak upload pic. Why do they want to make it difficult to rearrange pics in a post. Blah!