Sunday, May 27, 2007

Lazy Sunday

It's Sunday afternoon and I have not taken my bath yet..... But I guess this is a norm.

For me, I might as well enjoy lazing around while I can....because I have received the acceptance letter for my MBA!!! Yep....I will start being a student again starting 24th June. So my weekend time will be dedicated to attending classes... Oh boy.....I can imagine how will it be, but I have a few people that can be my unofficial mentors. One is the guy who left my company, he got 4 flat for his mba, and the other one is the man who replaced Kok, he did DBA not long ago. I can learn a few things from him.
For a long time I have not viewed my blog. Usually i just log in and start posting. I didn't realize having a song played in your blog is so annoying. Especially if your internet connection is shitty. By the way I have removed the 'My Current Craze' element. It was a promo song for Heroes in Star World Asia. I would never have thought that it is an Indonesian Band. Anyway, about heroes, I have the final episode, but sayang nak tengok...coz there's be more season to come. But I better finish all the things I've downloaded (illegally i admit) and watch before I start my classes.
The whole week had been a busy one. I dont remember being this busy in a long long time.... but I like! Seriously, my department's new structure is an excellent one. I love having more accountability and responsibility. I have more collegues as well. But I have to be careful coz I had a close encounter of being backstabbed. Someone claimed what I did was hers. It was a simple work and I dont mind that much. But that showed her true colours. Somebody that used to work with her told me that she had the same experience. Anyway, I dont think people will fail to notice that my name is clearly stated in the work, which she forgot to erase. Kadang tak paham la apsai nak kiss boss' ass. Dont you think that the boss knows who's kissing and licking their ass. Whether if the boss likes their asses to be kissed. Or whether the boss values hardship and earnest.
Sometimes I see people open their mouth just for the sake of saying something, but the fact is that whatever she/ he says means nothing (selalu yang aku perasan she laa). Konon nak impress laa... but most of the time, for some people, they would only apppear stupid. I've seen right in front of me that one person spoke up and what was said was ignored coz it was meaningless. I salute to that person for the futile bravery to show how stupid can one person really be. I believe in talking only when necessary. Kalau among kengkawan ke apa ke, takde la nak apply benda gini...
Anyway, in June I may be officially based in Sepang. I dont mind the distance but the petrol. Argghhh... For the past 2 months, I have been driving quite often. I have meetings almost everyday. Dad is more than happy to have the extra sleeping time in the morning since he doesn't have to send me to work. As for me, driving is a burden. I'll try not to drive when I dont have to go for meetings which is outside of my office. My car is really really 'makan minyak'. After 2 major accidents, it's finally taking it's toll.
Dad have been hinting for me to get a car. yg malas ni. Unless I change to a new company, I will buy.... but this will surely incur more cost. On the hand, more cost will go to petrol and later on for maintenance.... Hmmm.....
It's almost four and I'm in the mood for shopping.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's finally over....

In my previous blog, I was whining about my interview that was supposed the be the next day which was Monday, but for the 4th time,it was postponed again. Not to my surprise as always. But it was scheduled the next day (Tuesday). I somehow felt that it's gonna happen.
So come next morning, I was truly excited and nervous since I was told that WZ (another ass licker) is joining the panel to interview me and my collegue, but lucky she did not. The procedur is that the boss goes in to brief the panel and then the staff goes in one by one for the interview by the panel chaired by the Queen. But then instead of a short one inside, my chinese boss almost an hour inside the room. Me and my friend waited anxiously outside. My stomach already rumbling, so dengan muka tak malu, I asked for a biscuit from Queen's secretary. Then my collegue was called in. Jeng jeng jeng...
I was called in right away after my collegue left the room. I barely had the tome to ask her how was everything. When I stepped into the room, I think my face was beaming with enthusiasm and gladness that I am finally being interviewed. However I was late to realize that everyone in the room had serious expressions plasted on their faces. But I was smiling from ear to ear and grinning, that somehow it was infectious. And everyone was smiling after that....
Queen did most of the talking. She explained why the interview had to be postponed so many times, which is because of the structure. I guess I have been preparing too much during the days of uncertainty of when it will be. I read almost on everything. But she caught me offguard when she asked me to explain what I have been doing...offhand, just like that. You see, I have prepared a paper which summarizes all the work I had done. There's no way for me to explain just like that. It's just weird. But I did. The moment I opened my mouth, the words and everything that I've read suddenly started to come out. Like I'm vomiting words. Oh my God. Mcm sial. Segala benda keluar, tak tentu arah. I realize that I'm going here and there with my talk but I cant help it. Lucky my boss came to my aid, unnoticed by the panel ofcourse. After that, what I said to the panel was more structured. Hehe.
In short, the interview went very well. Queen offered for my MBA to be funded by the company. I was thrilled by the offer since I heard that it is seldom one to get funded especially in management. Anyway, all the stress and postponements had been worthwhile after all. Later, after the interview I spend the day doing retail therapy.
AF is over too. Phew! Now I can stop wasting my time and do more stuff. However, I'm glad Mila won.
Another program that I like that just ended is America's Next Top Model. The girl that I thought most righteous won too. I've been following not only this season but also the past ones. I just love when girls fight. Best woo... I've fought with a few girls before, but there's this one incident that I wont forget. It was my roomie when I was staying at Pantai Hillpark. She pissed me off bigtime and I had good reasons to feel that way. Anyway, I know I cant just face her coz she'll give me that angelic look that can fool everyone. So what I did was I mix urine in her clinique toner, and brushed toilet bowl using her tooth brush... and tah apa lagi. My partner in crime was Lissa. Anyway revenge definitely sweet!

Sunday, May 13, 2007


It's so damn hot that I think most people would go naked in the house (if there's no one, or just your significant other). I would.

To update, my interview, was postponed again. Not that I expected it but I was not shock or even felt anything. It had something to do with my department's structure not being approved yet. Crap. I think, the top management and SBIC (Suckers Bigtime In Corporate-world) saw our structure and was awed with the arrangement of programs. So instead of approving, they stole the structure for themselves. Morons.

Anyway, my department is a hot topic. We may have to move to Sepang. The President said that he doesnt pay us to only have meetings in Sepang. Eh...gaji gua keluar dari pocket dia ke? Kimak tol. Xcuze my french yeah. This is one of the reason of the issue with our promotion.

Anyway, days after the postponement, I had to go to the MIHAS at KLCC. I saw one of Queen's ass kisser at the booth and we just had small chat She happens to be another VP, but not mine. Suddenly she said something that made me aware that she knows who am I. Waa...ingat dia tak kenal gua, glamer gak rupanya. Hehe. Anyway, Queen came after that and I saw from the corner of my eye that two of them looked at me as if saying, Look, she's the girl under PS (my chinese boss)...she's the one that is being promoted ...dia dulu bawah Pn Sh (my ex boss) etc. Suspen jugak la gua masa tuh. Pastu, later2, Queen suddenly stood next to me and started to chat mesra2 with me. Wtf...I was thinking what was she up to...

The next day, HR called saying that Queen wants to meet me on Monday, which is tomorow! Nak jumper buat apa? Nak interview ke apa nih.

Since dah postpone sampai 3 kali, dah mmg tak larat nak prepare. Kengkawan aku pon dah tak larat nak wish gudlak. Heheh. Tapi depa wish jugak. I just hope they wont ask me anything bout Kok. By the way, he left. Sapa from same company dgn aku, nak tau first hand story, call me. I think whatever you have heard are most probably not that accurate and the simplified version. There's more to it than you'll ever know. I'm glad that I had also contributed to his resignation.

The new boss who replaced Kok was from SBIC but he's a nice man. At MIHAS, I accompanied him to walk around and was amused that he can strike up conversation with anyone on anything, even if it sounded silly. I hope things will turn out good.

As usual, there's no way going to KLCC without visiting my favourite places of all, Aigner and Tod's. Tod's dah suker satu bag nih, tp later2 la. But I fell in love with Aigner's wallet long ago so I was with the intention of getting a wallet which is medium in size. So when I saw it is still in the store, I went for my lunch. When I came back, it was SOLD!!! I was just minutes too late. Uwaaa. Frust giler. That lady must have saw I was on the verge of tears. Hehe. Tapi ni antara feelings yg tak best la. So I had it ordered from Germany, if it is still available, and i gotta wait a month or so. So gua tgh tunggu la ni.
Pastu masa tu Isetan ada preview sale for members. So apa lagi...Splurge la. It was madness as always. I came prepared. There's no need to look vogue ke apa ke. So far I dont worry bout this if it involves long walks. So I had my backpack to put in my stuff and changed to sandals from heels. The best way to shop is grab watever that you like and try everything at one go at the fitting room. While lining up, initiate small talk with the girls lining up. Oh nice blouse you have there....Where did u find it? ...etc... Tu kalau bosan la, kalau tak nak, just shut up. Tengok org ke apa ke. Tgk kaki org menggerutu tp nak pakai open heels....tgk org line up kat depan u rambut dia ada split end...tgk org tu kulit berj....(tak nak cakap sbb takut dpt lak, tp huruf dia mula pada 'J')...tgk org tu pakai fake LV bag...tgk org tu pakai bag gucci lawa giler tp tak kena dgn wearer dia... I think it's the wearer that makes her clothes, accessories looks nice. Kalau tak kena, mmg tak kena la...
(to be continued)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Just a minute...

Life is great but extremely busy. I'm here just for the sake of saying something. Hehe.

My promotion interview is due on Tuesday. I just hope it wont be postponed again. It's just sucks.
Kok has submitted his resignation letter. I will tell you on that in my next post.
Aizat is out. I'm so happy.
Will be back soon...