Thursday, June 21, 2007

Doris is a Momma Cat .... 4 beautiful kitties. She gave birth last 3 days which was Tuesday. One of my post in April was about Doris getting banged by Stefan. She was pregnant after that. I read a few articles online about feline pregnancy and learned a lot. I even watched a video on the birth on youtube.

So what I learned was that cat'spregnancy period is 61 to 65 days. When I looked back at my April post, Monday was exactly 61st day. I noticed that Doris already started looking for a place last week. And she was starting to have protruding nipples. According to the article, these are the signs that it may give birth in a week or so. Doris was also starting to be very affectionate. She wants me to carry her around etc. The day before she gave birth, she demanded to sleep with me. You should see the scrathes on my bedroom door when she meow-ed wanting to come in. I somehow know where she's gonna give birth. She chose an IKEA plastic basket underneath my bed where I put my old skirts in.

The next day when I got home from work, she just gave birth to the 3rd one. I was just so happy. Susah nak explain la. I think only cat lovers would understand. Anyway this is the 3rd day. So the feeling tu dah habis, but I just cant get tired watching the kitties.

Back to my story, the first two kitties are exact identical to their father, Stefan (by the way, Stefan was actually waiting patiently outside my room. Like waiting for the wife giving labour. So parents gua cakap bilik gua tu was bersalin!). The third one is dark brown. Tatau ikut saper, or siapakah bapaknya. Doris was busy cleaning herself and licking the kitties. I told her she's a good gile and I'm proud of her. Hehe. The article asks you to give soothing words and thats what I did.

After that I saw something moving inside Doris' tummy and I felt ada benda keras dalam perut. So I kept on saying soothing words and after three pushes, along came the 4th one. It's so easy for animals. It was in a membrane some sort and attached to its cord is the placenta. As I already saw in the video earlier, so I didnt find it gross when I looked at Doris eating the placenta. When she licked the no.4, the little thing started moving and slowly moved towards Doris for milk. All 4 were milking. I took some pics but it's not that clear.

This picture was taken yesterday. Baby no.4 was fast asleep when i took it and placed on my hand. Nanti ambik lagi yg lain and I'll post it in here.

On other things, tak sempat nak cerita coz I've been soooooooo busy.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Quick update...

I'm watching frasier while typing this post. Whoever did the subs for this sitcom is so stupid. Ada ke org tu sebut nama 'Esther' and this stupid bugger typed 'HESTER'. Ada ke org nama camni. Tak guna hotak tol. I guess i'm having my PMS. Heheh. Anyway, camner nak apply keje part time buat subtitle eh? Me and dad nak try apply...Macam la dah tak cukup dengan keje ada skrg. For now, I think it'll be quite awhile until my next post. Tomorow I'll be oustationed till week ends. Next week I'll be working out of office for 5 weeks.
At the same time, MBA nak start dah. Adeh....can i cope?
I was selected by mosti to go for an oversea training. Truly overwhelming coz this will be the first batch and only a few was selected. But takde time nak pilih mana nak pegi, so i asked my old boss to help me choose.
Aigner KLCC called and inform me that the wallet that I ordered is no longer being made by Germany. Huhu. Takpe la kot. Save rm1700. Anyway, I'm so busy that I have no time think about shopping.
My family's photography biz is in operation. Remind me to give my biz card when I meet you.
Thats all for now. Take care peeps.