Saturday, January 6, 2007

Almost half a biatch....

I took this test on How bitchy are you and How men see you.....
You Are 49% Bitchy
Generally, you're an average woman, with average moods. But sometimes... well, watch out!Sometimes, you let your mean side get the better of you. And you enjoy every minute of it.

Men See You As

Men see you as Desirable

Men often find you immediately attractive and sensual. Your honesty is refreshingly beautiful ... it draws guys in. You are also able to be open with your feelings with no emotional baggage. Packing light means you enjoy new relationships easily.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


I am petrified looking at this pictures. That's all I wanna say.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Keep, Maybe or Toss?

oh I have come up with a few more resolutions to be achieved in this year. One of it is to be organised. I started with my room today. I cleaned up my wadrobe which is full with clothes more than it should -like people in LRT during peaks hours. I read in Women's Weekly that if you open up your closet and you have no idea what to wear while staring at it fully loaded with clothes, then it's time to update. So it said you have to separate the clothes to three categories -Keep, Maybe and Toss. I have plenty of Maybes, due to sentimental value. I have a lot of Toss too. I'd give to the boys at the shop. Baju kurungs and blouses, give it Tok Su's granddaughters. Skirts, I am yet to give it to Ima. She made a big fuss bout my selling it to her. Hehe. She said I should do charity. In time maybe I'd give it for free. for now it's too rugi. Ima, if you're reading this....I can offer you installment. Eh?

After my closet is updated, the article mentioned about your having clearer idea of what to shop later on, which is true. You can see which blouse matches with the skirt or pants and what not. I have enough shirts at the moment. So what I need is more pants. Must go to Isetan soon. It is always there that I can browse stressfree. Probably something to do with the way they arrange the clothes. I found one which cutting complements my long legs and ass. Hehe. Anyway, need to look other than black.

I also need to utilize my shoes that I keep underneath my bed. I think I have around 15 pairs, plus the ones in the shoe rack outside. I love shoes...really love shoes. But my problem is that I can easily get blisters. I have a few pairs of Hush Puppies and none of it is comfortable as they claimed. Can i sue them? I recently got a clark pumps. Quite comfortable but if you walk for long, you'll start feeling the ache. Sometimes, I just gave up and walked with my nike sandals or any selipar murah. But it wont complement my attire pulak... Maybe I should check my feet, maybe the pain is telling me something or somewhere in my body is not fuctioning well.

To be more concern about my health is part of my resolution this year. Here's a simplified 10 Ways to Good Health that I got while surfing

Less Alcohol, More Tea
Less Meat, More Vegetables
Less Salt, More Vinegar
Less Sugar, More Fruit
Less Eating, More Chewing
Less Words, More Action
Less Greed, More Giving
Less Worry, More Sleep
Less Driving, More Walking
Less Anger, More Laughter

Tomorow is the first working day of the year. I shall start organizing my work and cleanup my desk. I hope I can remember taking the picture before and after 5S, and post it in here....

Monday, January 1, 2007


I watched Saddam's prosecution video at It is just humiliating to be shown like that. Isnt it prohibited for the witnesses to bring anything? Obviously the person who allegedly took the video is a Syiah, as well as most of the people in the room. But what I saw was a dignified man being hanged. That, I truly respect. I was sad almost on the verge of tears, despite whatever he had done. That is between him and god. His syahadah was not even finished. Maybe to the Kurds, they are relieved with his death. But I would want to believe that he had repented towards his last days.
I would love to see Sharon being hanged though. He is the most rightful person to be hanged. And next to his hanging body with broken neck must be Bush. I read somewhere in an article, the Evangelical in the US says that protecting Israel is a religious and moral duty for them. WTF. It needs to be protected because they think it will be the catalyst of Jesus re-apperance. I'm too pissed to think of the english word for 'kemunculan semula'.
Before I end, lets hadiahkan al fatihah to Saddam.

2007 already???

I think throughout 2006, I have become somewhat changed. Why I say this because two days ago, I didnt realize that it was going to be the end of the year. Until i saw a friend'sn YM status was 'Last working day of 2006'. Evenso, I gave little thoughts bout it until yesterday evening. thinking back of my pastyears celebrations. Kakak sms-ed and invited me to celebrate, but I felt it was too much hassle.

When the clock struck 12 am, I was infront of the TV ...watching Star Wars on Cinemax and couldn't care less about the fireworks that are lighting up the sky for the next 15 minutes or so. This was the first time in my life that I have not been out looking at the sky to welcome the new year. Furthermore, I was numb....feeling nothing. This was when it dawned to me. Before this I was either at a party or if I dont go out (due to the horrible traffic in the city) I will for sure go out to my lawn and watch the fireworks.

Goddd...I am going to be 30 this year and that's why I am like this. Probably this is one of the reason why I dont look forward celebrating or forgotten all about it. Mathematically, if you bundarkan ke puluh yg hampir ikut bulan, I am still 29 until middle of February. After that, I will not apply this concept until next year's 16th August. And I hope time flies slowly...

Anyway, I am not depressed or anything, I am glad that I have matured a bit. No more the party gal I was. My last party was in New Year 2005 at a private party held in Langkawi., despite it was days after tsunami hit the beach. The same one which was supposedly for NY 2006 was banned coz somebody gave the infi to the press and the paper said it is a sex party (which is not!). And guess who gave the info to the Senator who addressed this issue in the Parliament?!

In 2006 I have mellowed to this kind of celebration. It is just not necessary anymore. Been there and done that. Before that, let me remember....i celebrated a few new years in clubs . 1999 I celebrated at Planet Hollywood and I reached home at 4 am due to the jammed roads. My mom was worried sick but it was OK. Everyone knows if u wanna party in KL, u gotta go in very early, from afternoon if possible coz you'll be sorry that you start out late from home. I remember in 2004, I was stucked in the middle of KL, with no car and not much money to go around and to make matters worse, I have blisters. that was the most pathetic new year celebration of my life. The journey home by LRT took 3 hours and everyone was drenched with sweat. At 5 am, dehydrated, I had roti canai and lots of water with buddies and vowed never to celebrate in KL. The 2005 was a blast, despite watever other people say.

A lot had happened in 2006. Most of it are turning points in my life. As of yesterday I am happy and content. I just need to get that Prada sunglass and LV city bag multicolor or maybe Aigner. *wink*wink*..I went to KLCC last week and visited Prada, but the sunglass I wanted is not there. Hmmm... Who wanna bet with me that once I get these, there'll be no more of luxury wantings? Anyone??

Anyway, since 2007 is already here. I welcome it whole heartedly. I have a lot of resolutions, mainly revolves around money and health. Money is looking good (plus my right palm is so damn itchy). I was told that my investment has increased 1 cent just after a month. $$$$$!!! As for career, I have finally submitted my resume. Phew! I spent too much time on the resume. I surely hope it pays off. I also sent one to Amir. I wonder if I should apply to other companies? Nahh...I dont want to be greedy. I'll try my luck with one company at a time. If I do get an offer infgv this particular company, my dad wants me to buy another digital camera. No problemo!

Health wise, I would watch over my food intake. Indulgence are only allowed during PMS (usually chocolate cakes and mangga masam). I must take care of my colon. Have flawless skin, no more getting tanned and shiny black hair. Other than more books.

Marriage and jodoh is in the hands of God, so I leave it to Him. For my dearest friends who read this blog, I wish you all the best! Muahhhkksss.