Friday, May 29, 2009

Panas nye mesia

i'm back to Malaysia......which is so panas at the moment. perghh....panas giler. everynight tido b*gel. im not into having aircond in the bedroom, but i am so tempted bout getting one at the moment.

my jet lag syndrom baru je hilang. lama gaks nak ok. furthermore, dah 2 thn asyik tido lambat je sbb dok study, so im still adjusting to trying to sleep early. tp lambat gak tido. bila kat opis ngantuk. i guess after germany, it's time to get life normalize again. before this tak sempat pikir lagi. habis je viva terus pulun kerja for germany visit. lepas tu terus fly to germany and tak ingat malaysia langsung. hehe. apa2 and germany sgt best. if ada rezeki, mmg nak pegi lagi. in fact, i can be your tour guide sbb dah terrer. ada sekali, ppl kat sana tanya jln kat me and hubby. hehe.....maybe dah blend in. tp brg semua mahal giler sbb kena kali 5. since lots of turks in cologne, halal food was easily found. tapi kebab biasa je dah 5euros. dah almost rm25. pergh......thanks to maggi and brahmin instant food. also nona nasi himpit, which we used the rice for our daily food.

lots of photos were taken, tunggu nak upload dlm fb. so until my next post. tata.

will continue soon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Germany sgt best....

Mmg best giler la Europe sbb sejuk and there's just two f us here berkepit all the time. If kat Mesia, byk lak obligation lain. It's not that I want to stay here permanently, but this is one of the time where u can forget and leave watever your norms back at home temporarily.
Gambar kat atas gua ambik from our hotel room. Kul 9 baru gelap. Kul 3 am dah subuh.

I've got to go down and have breakfast. Will continue later.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 I come!!!

MBA dah giler. Tp letih prepare thesis baru kelmarin hilang. Bak kata senior, 2 minggu baru rasa ok. Mmg tak hengat nye pulun tp alhamdullilah semua ok. Masa viva pon panel ckp dia sgt impressed with our work. Advisor pulak kata if tak A, dia maybe bg A+. Tak kisah la, i'm just happy that it's over but it's all worth it. Buat la EMBA di UiTM. I really recommend it. Buat tmpt lain cam hampeh.

So di kala gua tulis blog ni, gua cuti. Sebenornye tak apply pon cuti tp gua sajer tak gi keje. Sbb nak prepare and do some errands. Malam ni nak berangkat to Germany. Rasa nya my hubby is more excited than I am. Sbb dia boleh relax2 kat sana, as for me i gotta do stuff there. Tp ada gak time boleh jenjalan and kira our second honeymoon. Smlm, he did the packing. Terrer giler dia lipat and muatkan segala baju sejuk and baju2 yg gua nak bawak. Plus makanan jugak la. Maggi adalah wajib dan juga tuna dlm tin. Biskot kering pon ada bawak. Bukan kata kat sana makan tersangat mahal. So baik jimat sikit tang mkn, the rest buat belanja lain. Lepas tu ada la sorang boss kat opis kasi pinjam cooker for travelers. boleh la masak nasik.

Buku travel germany dah beli sbb dia mcm handpocket book and senang nk converse basic2 ayat in German. Tp punya la payah. so i bet the buku mesti tak lekang.

Will continue later or when i arrive in germany. Yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....