Friday, September 28, 2007

1 1/2 in a post......

Lama nye tak tulis.....means that I'm too busy for blogging. And everytime I have time to write, the pics that I wanna post here are not with me. Duhh!

There's pic of me snorkeling and my kitties. Next time lah.

My second subject for MBA had just completed. Managerial Accounting. It's not hard if u studied (susah jugak kalau baca tp tak pandai2 jugak). But it was damn hectic. Adeh....every week ada assignment and then ada test. But all is well. Lepas ni is HR. Possibly easy too but a lot of work. After it's the end of Semester 1. The break will be around a month plus.
During this break, I'll be going to United States of America....yeayyyy!!! Hehe.....padahal the proposal belom dapat approval lagik but I was told the top person in the ministry have signed it. From now nak set aside some money to spend there. Perghhh....tak sabar siot.
Now it's puasa month. Had a few 'mencabar days' because of the heat. 3 days ago I was in Seremban doing the audit for double tax exemption for Samsung. I had to walk and survey the production line in 3 plants. Gilo. Terjelir lidah, tapi depan org2 tu kaver la.
But then in the office, the heat can be felt as well. My office have now transfered to a different block. Not new. Renovated but not extensive. The old office, some suckers are taking over. I have an office in Sepang as well but at the door it is always stated TIADA. Anyway, the offices (both sepang and in the new place) is slightly bigger. It good la since I can put in more stuff.
Tapi kan, in this new office I was told the office is haunted. Especially in the ladies toilet. Seems there's an evil female spirit that refuse to go away. There was a lady that used to work in that building. She was in the loo and somehow she thought there's someone else in there too. However, she did 'tegur' but it dint answer. But then right away benda tu walk to through the walls. Terus pitam pompuan tuh. After that incident, her semangat is lost. Lama jugak dia sakit. I was told that at home pon benda tu ikut. Dia sampai ikut husband dia pi office and stayed at the hotel. She is now living in a different house. The old house, which is so lawa, now dia sewa ke apa ke kat org. For now, gua pon cuak jugak nak balik lambat2. So terpaksa la gunapakai attitude cam kerani or watever la yg jenis balik awal after office. Tp these few days, I'll wait for the last person to go back. Kat block lama ada gak hantu tp dia tak kacau. Cuma dia suka usik2 je suruh kau cepat balik. Me have seen a few times. And my boss too.....Patut Seekers dtg buat liputan kat opis gua nih.
Hari tu masa besday, it was not stressful at all when entering your 30s. Some people make a big deal lah. Maybe diorg muka tua kot? Or stress tak kawin2. Gua bersyukur ramai kata gua dont look a day older than 25 (ni tak tipu, ada 4-5 org cakap). In few weeks after that, I have been eating a lot of lamb shank and salmon. Yummy. And thanks to yan for that delicious treat at the Curve. Until now teringat that pizza and the salmon strips on it. Masa besday tu jugak, I was contemplating weder to buy Jazz. Sekali gua pi tgk Persona, terus terpersona. I am now counting days to get mine. I hope I'll be responsible to keep the car clean and well taken care of.
Tapi tak best la sbb I saw someone in my company driving the same colour with mine. Ingat nak be the first. Hehe. Poyo tol.
Last weekend, Petronas called me for an engagement session. It was like a briefing on the business. And what are their expectations. I was impressed with recruitment drive. However, there was like 50 candidates, which was selected quite selectively. I would say. When I was in the briefing room, the organizers looked at me like they read my resume. But true enough when i talked to the group HR and some other HR managers, they said they did read. They know i'm doing mba on my own finances, confirmed that they read it. However, there'll be an interview soon. Hmmm....if I do get this, I will have to think thoroughly.
Lain kali gua update lg.