Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Last Day of Class

While i'm writing this, I just presented to the class on my final assignment. Still waiting for the rest of my group to finish presenting and it'll probably take hours. So I am at front, sitting down with laptop on my lap.

The last entry was during honeymoon. After that life was back to normal. 'Normal' to me is probably not normal to other. Hectic daily activities, with office work and at night, meeting with group on assignments. Weekend pulak, pegi class and with my new status, kena accomodate time with hubby. Best gak rasa org hantar and ambik gi class. Part spend time dgn husband je yg best, yg lain yg involve studies tak best langsung.....errggghhhh...

However, today, IS THE LAST DAY of MBA class. After this no more! It is the 'saat yg diidamkan'. I somehow cant imagine camner hidup bila dah tamat MBA, dah tak pegi class, tak jumpa kengkawan.....sedih pon ada gak....probably ada saat2 yang tear jerking petang satgi. Aku tak sure nangis ke tak bila nak say babai....

Even thoh this is the last day, actually belom la setel 100%. Viva for my thesis would be on the 4th May. So lepas ni still jumpa group nak discuss and all. Lepas viva, probably need a few more days nak repair pulak....lepas tu baru 100% merdeka....merdeka....merdeka.....

Pasal grade tu gua dah tak kisah..deans list ke tak ke dah tak sesignificant masa aku mula2 masuk sem 1.....janji dah habis and gua taubat tak nak belajar dah for PhD. Sorry beb. Hubby dulu ada la penah suruh pursuit PhD and tried to motivate. Now he has witnessed camner gua belajar so dia kata tak payah la...sian kat gua....tapi anak kena kasi dia 7 org if tak nak jadi Dr. Hehe. Gua cakap Ok jek.

So after merdeka, gua rasa mcm nak buat segala2 benda. 13th May gua nak gi Germany ada keje. Dok sana 10 hari, ofcourse hubby ikut sekali, so kiranya 2nd honeymoon. Sure best sbb kat sana sejukkkk...ehem ehem..... Kat sana pon bukan nye ada keje sgt, ada la time nak berjalan. Janji ada duit....tu jek yg kureng...heheh. Kira the right timing la gua habis MBA and terus dapat assignment gi oversea. Boss pon dah mcm tak sabar2 nak kasi work assignments kat gua....bagus gak cam ni coz boleh ler utilize ilmu yg tersemat di dada...

Lama betul group gua present but they are almost done. Nanti free
gua tulis lagik....which i dont think will take months... i have ample time to do stuffs after this.
