Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hari nak hujan....angkat kain

Hehe....a rather lame title but it is raining heavily outside. If you live around Subang, or anyway within 10 km would probably experience the same weather. Here's some shots I took before the rain started pouring. Nak test2 camera yg Canon ganti.

As usual, ASTRO will probably be out of service at the moment. Darn! But I am not worried, as I have managed to download Desperate Housewives Season 3. Furthermore, NanieCiken had given me episode 1-13 of Heroes. Yippeeee!!! I am just so happy that I would jump with joy for 4 minutes.
I have not started watching it yet, maybe I'm savouring the moment. Cam sayang2 gitu. Heheh...sure korang menyampah aku brag bout it. Prison Break is still downloading. I have not given it up even after the blunder I did.
Eh...susah la nak placing gambar dlm blogger neh. Anyway, I'm done for today.

Sharing time...coz sharing is caring.

I found an article which is depressingly funny. To the lucky ones who havent gone tru this, hope you wont have to and to all those who are coping, things WILL get better.
"I've been on this site for almost four months now. When I found it, I was sure that absolutely no one in the world had ever, or would ever, experience the pain that I was feeling after my break up. Funny. I found a virtual world full of folks who have gone through and experienced the same things and felt the same feelings that I did. That helped a lot.

So, for all you newbies who ask the questions, "Will the hurting ever stop," or "Will my ex come back," or "Why did he/she do this," this is how it typically goes down.

You two break up--doesn't matter who does it. You immediately panic and begin chasing, begging, pleading, harrassing, phoning, e-mailing, IMing, stalking (okay not all of them, just pick whichever one you did). Most of us will likely do some things during this stage that will make you cringe when you think back on it, say after about 3 months.

You lose weight. You neglect yourself, your house, your job (how many hours do we all log on this site while we are at work?). You drive your friends and family crazy talking about the break up. You cry at the drop of a dime. You can't even comprehend that your life might not again include that "special person." You begin putting them on a pedestal, forgetting all of the nagging things about them that used to drive you crazy. In your mind, they have become omnipotent, all encompasing, all everything.

You convince yourself that you are a loser who just screwed up a relationship with "the best person in the world." You KNOW without a doubt that you will never EVER love like that again. You know no one else will come along who even comes close to being as marvelous as your ex (excuse me while I chuckle to myself here). You wear a sad face for the world to see (you should see my work ID taken 2 days after my breakup, it's just pitiful).

They (the ex's) remain steadfast in their denial to get back together. Many of them leapfrog into new relationships, immediately being exclusive with a new person.

For those that do leapfrog, they appear to just "replace" you with a new model. All of the things you two used to do, they now do with someone else. Bowling, cuddling watching television, motorcycle riding, antiquing. Whatever you two did, likely they will just begin doing those things with someone new.

You hear about them and their new life. You are desperate for any crumbs of news about their life. Many of us make things worse here by trying to use manipulation to get them back--yet they stay away from us like we are the plague.

For those of us who do still have contact with our ex's we begin selling ourselves short. Doing stupid things like allowing them access to our bodies and then wanting to strangle them afterward when they remind us that "Sex does not imply hope." You, in further panic mode, begin frantically searching the internet using phrases such as "break ups," "divorce stopper," whatever. You stumble upon this site, pay your money because your curious and lo and behold, you find all of us folks in various stages of this whole breakup bullsh*t. You voraciously read the posts.

You search for news of those who "got their mates back." You're on the site constantly. You'll read the books and think "Ah I can do this. I can get this person back." You begin your "no contact" and for some of us, this will get a reaction from our ex's. For the rest, no contact is and will continue to be what you'll get and receive.

Time goes by. You'll do some stupid things. You'll call your ex when you shouldn't. You'll call when you've had to much to drink. You'll call even after 50 people on this site tell you not to. You'll show up on their doorstep, hating yourself all the time.

Then you'll come back to this site and ask everyone to tell you why you were so stupid as to do whatever it was you did. Then you'll get serious about no contact. It'll hurt, but you try to stick to it.

Here's the turning point for most. For those folks who have contact with their ex's, your no contact will either bring them sniffing curiously around or they'll be somewhere high fiving their friends thanking the God's that you haven't called.

Now's the tough time. Nothing but time works. Everyday the ache in your heart grows a little less. It's only nanobits that it dies down by. But everyday it will get slowly better. You'll have setbacks. You'll run into your ex accidently. You'll run into mutual friends who'll tell you something about your ex that'll have you high-tailing it home for a good cry. You'll see your ex with their new "friend." You'll receive a phone call or an e-mail from your ex who "doesn't want to be in a relationship but still wants to be friends (with benefits if you allow).

Here's another important part. You need to truly sit down and truthfully look back at the relationship and understand what you did to help with it's demise. If you miss this part, you go through all the suffering for nothing because Buddy, you'll be back here again.

This site is to teach you about you. To teach you how to be a better partner, a better person. Missing that lesson is detrimental to the whole process. It's the REASON that you're going through this. God (or whatever your higher power is) needed you to learn something about YOU.

Don't miss out on the lesson. Then one day you'll smile because you didn't immediately check your answering machine when you came in. And one day you'll decide to clean the muck that has accumulated in your house. And one day you'll go outside and admit to the universe that you surrender what control you thought you had.

And one day you'll decide to date again. And one day you'll go out on your first date and it will likely be a disaster. And then you'll either force yourself to continue dating or you'll decide that you aren't ready to date but you are ready to be out amongst people again. And many of you will have some quick reconcillations with your ex's. Many of us won't.

But one day, it won't matter as much. Because time will allow you to catch yourself going minutes and then hours without thinking of the ex. And you'll begin to be able to think of life possibly without that person and not dissolve into a puddle of nothingness because of the thought. And for most of us, sadly, life will go on without that mate.

That's the truth, amigos. Don't want to dash your hopes but probably less than 3% of the people on this site get back with their mates. Sobering isn't it? But, as the site instructs, you must accept this before you can truly begin to heal or draw your ex back to you.

For the lucky (maybe unlucky one's depending on how much work it will take to keep a mate that has wandered back) who get back with their ex's, many will find that the paradise they envisioned isn't reality and what they once thought was gold has a certain tarnish to it now. But they stay and try and make it work because it's comfortable or, if they are really lucky, it's meant to be. But for most of us. Life goes on.

And one day you'll find yourself having a gut busting laugh over something totally stupid and you'll think to yourself "I am getting better." And finally (thank God) you'll have sex with some new and find that a) if it wasn't good, at least you did it or b) it was so much better than with your ex you wonder why you waited so long to get back out there. And you'll know you're one the road to recovery.

I guess what I'm trying to convey here is, while each situation is unique, the characteristics of most of our situations are the same. Most of us will go through at least something that I've written here. So, when someone tells you on this site that time will help you get through it, believe them. When they tell you that "trust me, it will get better and you will stop hurting eventually," believe them.

And when they give you good advice that your head understands but your heart rejects, take a moment to think before you react. Don't beat yourself up if you do something that you wished you hadn't (calling, contacting, etc) WE ALL DID AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER.

Be kind to yourself. Be forgiving of yourself. And most of all remember that being happily single is an alternative. Even if society is beating it into your head that you MUST have a mate, take some time to heal before going back out there. There are plenty of good people to love, but don't go back out there broken, jaded about love, etc. Accept realty. Experience the pain. Learn the lesson. Actively try to heal. Remember the person you were when you first met your ex and get that person back. And the universe will take care of the rest.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Reminiscing Paintball

Remember not long ago, I was bragging about my first time at paintball? Here's the link

Anyway some of the pics....dulu tak bley nak attach.

Awesome girls with me in the team....thats me first from right.

All alone in this cruel world. One of the most terrifying moments in my life

Did u check your mirror if your bulu hidung terkeluar?

Another chinese horoscope session in our local tv. The man said the worse among all animals sign this year is the snake! Ofcourse I do not believe it, just want to share it in here. That man has a website He is apparently a young successful astrology man, but still single? Eh? Gay..maybe? Lantak la. Anyway, I just got to know that my element is FIRE, which is not surprising. Gua nye benda2 astrology ni semua dapat yg garang2 and panas ekk? Nevermind, at least I'm hot. Another statement that would make Taichee and Last Women roll their eyes to the floor.
I always read that being a Leo, you are prone to arts, apart from being a leader. This so far has not yet happened to me. I cant appreciate art. Aku tau lawa or buruk je. I love music, but takat dengar je. I cant play a note, except for a song that i play with guitar and it might sound like 'Stand by Me', so I thought. My being a leader....hmm aku lead jalan ada la. Heheh. The time has yet to come.

Lagi satu benda nak share, for those of you who have nostril hair coming out of your nose, it indicates that you dont have enough money to even sustain yourself. This is in that guy's website. It is quite logical. Someone who is struggling to make money, didnt even have the time to even groom himself. But it is a gross way to put it. Tapi kan...ada gak org kaya yg bulu hidung terkeluar. I could imagine the pleasure I could get from pulling that precious hair using my favourite tweezer, and watch with delight if he sneezes. Huahuahua.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Gedik is not cool

Last thursday, I watched Thusrday Night Live hosted by Harith Iskandar. The guests were Sazzy Falak and Daphne Iking with their husbands. Both couples got married recently, I think thats the reason of why they were invited. And the the other guest was Master Tan ke apa...anyway he's a feng shui master. They were talking bout astrology for couples and was interesting, but I couldnt help noticing how irritating Daphne was. She was also unthinkably gedik and probably she thought she was cute and adorable. Goshh... Furthermore i watched it with mom and it added the stress. She was disgusted with Daphne too, but I couldnt help feeling ashamed. I wish I could just tell her that I was never gedik, ever. Heheh. For me, girls being gedik will only attract jerks and morons. Somebody gotta knock some sense in their heads and tell them that gedik is a no no. If you are not cute, and trying to act cute...buruk seyyy.
Sazzy was more composed and i admire her hair. I met her husband, Nash, a few times, but at singles party. for singles. You'll be surprise that there are no losers in these parties. Best giler. And most of all, there'll be so many good looking people. I had a blast. ANyway, back to Nash, he is handsome but not tall. Why I remembered because he was auctioned to the ladies and my friends and me won the bidding. Heheh... Although after that, we had forgotten to give him a call and ask him to strip for us. Kidding. But I think he would because he was with his sugarmummy.
*Am I allowed to tell this in here??? I guess I'm having my PMS coz ada elemen mengutuk di atas.
-to be continued

Monday, February 12, 2007

Que sera sera

Last week, I made friends with two people. First was K, she's a lovely lady. My circumstances of introducing myself was out of the ordinary so I shall keep this as a something that is not to be shared in here. We hit it off right away, like we've known for ages. Well, I can't wait to meet her.

The second one is a bit more special. He's a guy and a Syed. Lets call him J. How did I get to know him? It was YM friend for ages, whom i've never met. Almost a few times, but never. Before that, let me brief you of my situation. I hate looking for boyfriends (cum husband). Boyfriends are easy for me...cewah. But for these men, I prefer they 'jatuh ke riba' kind of thing. So some of my wonderful friends try to help me by they themselve get to know and scan through these men, wherever they can find, or from their existing network, and if they think they fit my requirement, then they'll introduce him to me. Ayat gua formal seyyyy... Anyway, Lan said J is a good friend of his, and a great guy.

Anyway, back to J...we have been sms-ing non stop since the day we got each other's number. Non stop literally. Ofcourse it stopped when we sleep. He is nice, funny, his english is good, his malay is in utara slang, he shows that he wants to know me better, he is constant, he is humble, respectful, he is sweet... all of this derived from his sms-es. So far, I would say things are going smoothly.

Next step, which I wanna take up like a snail's pace, is GAYUT. Tau apa tu gayut?? Talk talk on the phone laaa. I think it'll be soon. I wonder if we have any more topics since we have sms-ed quite on everything. Anyway we'll see...
After that is the meeting part. The initial face to face meeting. I really want to do this through the old fashion way. If the gayut part turns out well, I guess i gotta tell my parents about J, and ask what they think about it. Yep, I think i'll just do that when the time comes.

Why I'm sharing about this on my blog? I think he is worth to write about. I dont know what I would say in the future if things dont turn out well, but for sure I dont want to brag nonsense. I do not easily fall in love. As a matter of fact, I dont like people easily as well (althoh I am likeable..hehe...brag pasai ni takpa kot). I wish I wont be easily swayed, but J is not a sweet talker. I hope my experiences with men has equiped me with to acknowledge phony assholes. Love is blind. Can be in a good or a bad way. Sometimes we can get too smitten with sweet words and we just refuse too see things in between the lines. I dont want to be blinded, so I shall take everything easy. Only fools rush in. If it were not meant to be, then it is not.
I now understand the underlying meaning of 'Age is just a number' coz I dont look as old as my age.....Hehe...bukan perasan la tapi semua org cakap. For some people it may not be applicable coz they look olddd. Betul tak, last women? <--Perhatian: ni best friend aku, bukan ayat kenyataan. Kot2 korang pelik ape benda aku cakap neh.

To may friend Sedi and Bodent, who were waiting patiently for this blog, sorry to keep you guys waiting, but I have been receiving sms-es in between. Thats why lambat sikit. Isinye takde la panjang nor...Heheh.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Moronic pilots

Just got back from Kulim for a meeting. Spent the night at a crappy hotel in Seberang Jaya. And the flight back to KL was damn frightening. The only thing that came to my mind was the Adam Air that crashed. I hate all these new pilots that use domestic pilot as their test drive. The guys next to me was scared too. If he was cute, I would have offered my hand for him to squeeze. Too bad, he wasnt.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Prison lost

Anyone here watch Prison Break? Well, I did not when it was aired in our local tv. But recently, a lot of people have recommended that series to me. Especially Kakak as she was so passionaltely explaining what it was all about. So ok, I got interested.

Thru Bitcomet, i started downloading Prison Break, first season. The process was a whole month. 1 MONTH. Satu bulannnn.

Bila dah habis download, apa lagi, terus tgk 2 episodes and i fell in love with the cute guy. Tak sempat nak tau nama, because being the genious me, gua pegi delete the whole season!!!! I'm just numb and dumbstruck on this matter. It has affected my mood to even look at my laptop. Rasa nyampah. Isyk...apsal ekk? I deleted at the bitcomet but the files in C: were gone. Sebulan seyyy download. Wasted! Argghhhh...

Takde mood nak sambung...laters

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

As of Jan 2007 has been a month since i last submit an entry. Bukan apa, busy giler apart from I have not much to talk about. Anyway, just to update you people, i shall write something.

As far as my new resolution goes, I think I am still determined to keep fit and get slimmer. I have taichee to keep me motivated. Her determination of losing weight keep me on my toes, well, I dont want her to be slimmer than I am, do I? Hehe.

My room, I tried to keep it tidy as possible. For now I want to get rid of the ironing board that I seldom use (I send my clothes to dobby for ironing). The ironing board somehow has been transformed to a tempat letak barang2. I need to get a cabinet. I realize that money is needed to keep things prim and proper.

I got two more shoes. One more sneakers.

What else.....hmm.... Oh yeah. I am proud to say that I can now swallow 2 tablets at a time. For your info, there was a time when i had to cut the pills (eg. panadol) into 8 smaller pieces, coz I have this phobia that it might get stuck in my throat. Bangang giler. Then after awhile I can swallow a whole table. And then I saw last woman and taichee swallowed 2 bijik macam tu je and i was awed! So there you go, my best achievement in as of Jan 2007.