Monday, September 28, 2009

major menyampah

waheeda kawin dgn akhil khayy.

aku meluat giler dgn org mcm ni. both berlagak alim konon takde apa but in the end kawin jugak. yes, only god knows wats going on tapi tak yah ler cover2 kalau dah kantoi. and i hate that ustaz. hate his face. tatau apsal aku anti org konon guna agama nak cover up his assholeness. pastu gelojoh kawin before puasa, konon mulia. my ass. i bet he started first and yg pompuan tu got trapped. i hate waheeda too even before this case happened. masa tu dia terhegeh2 dgn ada satu syed kat subang. but the parents mana nak pompuan mcm ni as a wife. the father of this guy (also an ass) was heard saying ...melalak sana sini. sian jugak la bila di reject sampai mcm by the bf's family.. based on my personal experience, i almost became as stupid as this waheeda but lucky i realize that bastard i was with was not worth anything.


Raya Sakan

Tak sempat nak tambah post bulan ramadhan, now dah pon Selamat Hari Raya from me (first raya as someone's bini).

Sebenornye it's my first day in the office. Malas giler nak buat kejer, sbb tu berblog ni. I guess i'll recap since what i last wrote.

Few daysbefore raya, me and syg did our last minute shopping. both of us took early leave sbb nak tolong mom at home and kemas2 rumah. anyway i wont be around since 1st raya petang tu dah nak balik muar.

masa shopping tu, both of us dah malas nak turun kl. masa 1st week of puasa dah pegi sana. beli baju melayu and my kurung. i think it could be cheaper when its nearing raya. masa nak last2 puasa ni, pegi pkns je and around shah alam. we managed to find a nice kain samping (or sampin.,...tak sure eja camner). sblm ni dok survey and takde yg berkenan and tak matching with my baju pulak. hehe. tahun ni kena la beriya sbb tahun pertama. sedara mara nak jumpa, so kena la sedondon. i also bought a nice guess watch ala accessory and a thick bangle to match my baju. kalau time biasa, i dont change my watch and gelang tapi sbb baju ni pesyen dia tangan singkat a bit so i need to wear thich accessories. pastu dok mencari the right tudung for my main baju raya, punya la susah. actually tudung dah ada cuma i thing it is not that 'memanggil'. last2 beli gak tudung siti. pastu ada pulak masalah nak cari anak tudung yg matching, which we couldnt find until the end. Nasib baik on raya day, my syg kasi green light so that i can wear the tudung siti by itself and nampak jambul. Syok nyer....setel masalah tudung disamping aku menjadi cun giler....ahaks. Tak yah sibok2 nak bertudung.

So masa pagi raya tu, as usual i stayed at home when everyone went to masjid for smyg sunat raya. Lepas dah setel kat dapur, i rushed and get my self ready. Kalau dulu before kahwin, tak mandi pon takpe. Sambung tido ke. This year, siap mandi and pakai baju raya yg merah, which is my main baju. My syg dah pegi masjid pakai baju melayu and sampin and butang baju yg bling bling. perghh.....Hensem nye la suami aku tu. I think I like him wearing collar mcm tu compared to teluk belanga. Anyway, masa make up tu, I was thinking masa nak beraya dgn my parents ni sure tak nangis. So apa lagi, aku make up mata aku style arab la....atau nama aku kasi firaun....or nama commercial lain - smokey eyes. Menjadi pulak kali ni. So ambik gambar sendiri2....sorang2 sementara tunggu diorg balik.

Masa dah balik tu, my syg suggest biar my parents dok kat depan for all of us beraya with them. Sambil tu dia sengih2 tgk aku yg cun melecun pagi tu (berbanding dgn muka aku sblm dia keluar pegi masjid...dgn belom mandi and belengas). Masa time tu jugak adik aku sakit perut and terpaksa pegi bilik air. Perut terkejut kot sbb dah lama tak minum air pagi. Tahun ni my bro pon ikut mcm abg ipar kesygan dia tu, and pakai baju melayu with sampin. Bila dia nak ke toilet, mmg normal la dia akan bukan baju dia and pakai tuala je. So kena la we all tunggu dia selesai business dia kat toilet and pakai balik baju dia and sampin and songkok and all...

So masa dah nak start beraya tu, aku tah apesal datang sebak pulak. Ingat macho, rupanya tidak. Masa nak salam my dad, belom sempat pegang tangan dia, aku dah meraung2. Hehe. Habis make up tapi tak la damage sgt pon. Hehe...pastu salam mak aku pon sama. Salam my syg pon sama gak menangis. Nampak macam my syg also mata merah but dono la...i was too busy wiping my tears carefully. Sian pulak pikir it's my syg's first time in his life beraya without his parents. Alaaa......ptg tu dah nak balik muar so dia ok la tu. My parents also treat him like their own son, so dia sgt fortunate.

Lepas makan, me, my syg and my bro pergi rumah my uncle and beraya pulak situ. Masuk je rumah bau masakan arab dah. Atas meja dah siap hidang pinggan. on every plate, dah ada seketul lamb shank. Perghhh.....apa lagi. Lepas salam2, we all terus duduk and makan. Mmg sedap giler. i made a mental note to get the recipie from amati. We didnt stay long though sbb nak balik rumah and pack and start our journey balik muar.

We reached muar in the evening. Syg's family and sibling dah beraya tah rumah keberapa dah masa tu. So we went to the aunties and uncles houses dulu. Ni pegi berdua je. Lepas tu join mak and adik beradik lain kat rumah Long. Just courtesy visit sbb last jumpa masa kenduri kawin. So bila finally pegi rumah Long, rumah tu tak la besar and tak la kecik. But when semua mak nye adik beradik and their children and cucus were there, pergh... Nak pijak kaki pon takde tmpt pijak dah. Punya la penuh. Tapi seronok betul. Lepas tu pegi lagi a few houses, sampai malam pon dok beraya lagi. Mmg first time la dalam hidup aku beraya sakan sampai ke malam. Letih giler and kenyang sgt. The thing that I find it sweet and somewhat funny, me and husband we still get duit raya from my parents, my uncle and his uncles. Ramai kata my syg dah gumuk. Sian dia.....takpe tu tanda bahagia. Aku pon gumuk, tp abah kata mcm dah kurus and makin cantik. Bila citer kat my syg apa abah kata....dia kata 'amboi amboi, org tua tuu....'. tapi ye la....dia kata aku ni menantu kesygan.

Next day was open house rumah mak abah. Since mak is the bongsu, so mmg tiap2 tahun diorg dtg rumah ni second day. Mak masak soto. Sedap giler. Nasib baik aku bedal dulu before rumah dah ramai. Dah alang2 ramai tu, my syg pon awal2 dah keluarkan album kawin kitorang. most of the relatives belom tgk, mmg semua kerumun album tu. Nasib baik mom invest buat album kawin jenis kayu and takkan rosak. If not, sure lunyai. Masa tu, aku automatic menjadi host rumah. Hehe. Adik2 ipar aku sumer malas nak pakai baju lawa2 and diorg rather basuh pinggan and layan ala2 gitu. So aku selamat from mencuci pinggan. Haha.

Bila org dah balik, ingat boleh rest. Rupanya tidak, ada rumah kena pegi utk beraya lagi. Begitu juga esoknya and the next day. Pergh... penat nye. Masa nak balik KL, we stopped by Seremban and went to Ijan's and Biskot's house. Best jugak. Sblm balik diorg dah influence my syg utk start this new hobby on hellicopter flying. And i think my husband mmg dah terhook....aisey men.

EEE.....panjang pulak aku tulis. Keje tak buat.

To be continued....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Aku nak tukar nama blog wehhh

I thought that I need of a new profile pic since dah berbulan2 kawin. Although there's no followers to this blog. I have to think of a new name for my blog tapi kang takot ada saiko yg membaca so tak jadi letak yg cun2 and single photo. So letak gambar masa wedding balik. Biar the rest remains in my fb.

Also been thinking for awhile that I need to change the name of this blog. SO tak sopan gitew. This title doesnt suit me anymore now lah. Zaman dulu2 boleh la.... Maybe nak kena tanya my old pal, taichee.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bulan mencabar........

Pergghhhh....lama nye tak blog. Seems that whenever i start my new post, that would be my opening greeting...

It's ramadhan....but almost nearing end since Raya is just around the corner. This year has been the most challenging one, semenjak mula puasa since kecik2. It's not that I suffer from hunger during day time or that I'm flat tired. The weird thing is after berbuka, thats when i feel extremely sleepy. Really2 sleepy, that on occasions i had to sleep until terawih. At times until Subuh. Hehe... tapi bila tanya kengkawan lain, they also feel the same. Is it the weather?

This year is different since I'm a wife and I have my sayang everyday with me. The rest remains...... Why I say other aspects remains because for example during sahur, dulu my parents would be knocking / banging on the door of my room to wake me up. Sometimes mom kena cari kunci bilik and masuk into the room. This year, ofcourse la she cannot come in marching into the room to wake us up, but the knocking masih ada la.... and sometimes it went unheard until tak bangun sahur at all....sedar2 dah afternoon...

----will be continued----