Monday, August 13, 2007

It's a lame post but I'm updating anyway....

Wohoo….somebody (me!) have not been blogging for quite sometime….

I was busy like hell. With work and studies. But today out of boredom, I am here to drop a few words for some updates.

So my last post was about Doris’s kitties. They are almost 2 months old, very cute and healthy. Just moved out of my room around 3 weeks ago coz I cant stand the stench of their pissings. Got them a nice kitty house that have staircase with lots of toys. Will take their pictures and post it in here soon.

At that time, I was busy with the African program that I was handling. Everyday I spent time with them and even on the weekends. Though it was over and they are gone , but I miss them. Some still keep in touch and asking hows my class, weder if I eat a lot..... By now I can almost differentiate the looks of different African countries. I think Nigerians that came are cute and extremely charming. Hmmm......

Talking bout working outside the office, last week I was the whole time in KLCC. I was selected to go for the young scientist workshop. Ingat kan biasa2 je, sekali it's an international workshop with OIC young scientist, and we have to brainstorm and come up with a resolution! Something on prospering science, technology and innovation. I went to a similar conference in UM (which I called my favourite lecturer to give me a free entrance) weeks before and ofcourse banyak le boleh discuss masa kat KLCC neh. However, by the end of the symposium, despite feeling proud that I have contributed to it, I also met the nobel price winner Ahmad Zewail (who also mentioned bout kitorang nye contribution). Korang mesti tak heran kot, but it's not often that you meet a great scientist, recognized by the world and he's a Muslim.

As usual, happy things make me feel like shopping and I shopped (sebenor nye all the time). I got my dream bag, a Dior. Last Women said it looks less Diro-ish coz it's not flashy and doesnt scream the DIOR logo, but I WAS TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH IT!!! Wanted to get a TOD's bag but the new season designs are not my taste. My craze for Aigner wallet is long gone coz there's no hope in getting the design that I like. So I bought FENDI on the same day I got the back. Best dia cam pekena 2 bijik xtacy.....atau cam masa figure it out time bila yang rasa mind blowing punye best.

Good news other than of my promotion, is that the head of the company is finally retiring. It's high time for him to let go of the throne. He's not that powerful coz there are people gropping his ballz. The future president is someone that I knew personally long time ago. I pledge to give full support, like that day when we had sports day. Initially I did not plan of participating, tapi sebab dia dah call and nak support kat new president, main la jugak. Surprisingly, I had fun, but had to leave early for my very first class masa tu.

Just to share, my first subject is Organizational Behaviour (OB) and the lady prof, in my opinion gives good lecture......and she has an Aigner bag too. I'm surprise with how I am still susceptible of studying again. Well, it is different than degree in the sense that it involves discussion, view sharing and all that stuff. But tak sesuai if you are the type to simply say stuff that dont mean much (publicity murahan plus tin kosong). You'll get a lot of 'shut the f*** up' looks from your annoyed / pissed classmates. My seat is now permanently in front of the class. So far, I got high marks for all the papers/assignments. I like this subject but it requires me to read a lot! But I've learned a lot about people's character and also mine. And I learned bout the terms used, especially for the annoying people.....Anyway, exam is this coming Saturday and I plan to score. I should be studying instead of writing this lame lame blog. Gua rasa org takde keje and tgh hidup bosan je tulis blog, tapi takpe, this is like a diary for me. Gua nak refer apa2, leh tgk kat sini. Dalam pda dopok (dopod in kelantanese slang) gua, tak syok ler nak menulis panjang2........

Walaupun OB nye exam belom lagi, my accounting class have started last Saturday and the lecturer is the dean of accountancy. One of the problems that students face when sit in front row in the class room is that you might get percikan air liur of the lecturer. Ewww. Hari tu a drop of saliva fell right in front of me. I dont know how many nano sized air liur was on my face. Argghh. Tapi takpe, he's the dean of accounting, maybe getting showered by his saliva is like a catalyst to my brain to accept accounting easily. Ada tak mcm scientist nye reasoning....?

As for my classmates, they are from diversed background. Macam2 perangai ada youu..... but I just need to bare with them for the next 2 years. Anyway they are not that bad. I also went for the MBA induction program kat Hulu Langat. I thought it'll be at the challet that I once saw when I went to Gunung Nuang. Sekali, it was like a pondok buruk.... no lah, but it was like a facility but murah nye. In a room there was 8 double decker beds, so instead of 16 people, 27 squeezed in. No blanket, no bed sheet, ada bantal, no fan only windows. But at night I was freezing and terpaksa pakai tuala basah as selimut. The bathroom pulak was open concept. Either you mandi with kain batik, or get naked. Tapi sebab org lain tak mcm tu and I dont even own a kain batik, I bathed in the jamban, and saw insects crawling on the wall.

But,, it was fun and I didnt complain sgt compare tu other people. Bukan selalu rasa susah payah mcm ni. The horror part was during the night. We played a game called 'be my guide' where everyone had to be blindfolded and you have to follow your leader's instruction, e.g climb up the hill, jump over a drain, walk beneath trees etc. Ingat the leader olok2 when they ask to do those stuff, tapi the trees, drain are all there. We even had to climb up the slope.

Anyway, at one point of time I felt some kegatalan at my ankle but didnt think much of it. Later after it was over, I checked my ankle and saw it was bloodied. Finally, after all these years, I am finally BITTEN by a PACAT. It was a triumph la jugak althoh benda tu dah jatuh. That was what in my mind for just a few seconds. But then I suddenly saw a lump in my socks!. I was hysterical....susah nak explain betapa bangang nye. Anyway, tanpa segan2 I shoved my foot up in the air and towards the facilitator's face. Hehe. Not sure if i kicked him. I pon taktau camner my legs can go up that high. I heard him saying 'Gi ambik pisau', and this made me screamed and wailing louder. Tapi, rupa2nye, the lump in my socks tu is the bottom part of my seluar, which i tucked in the socks. Bodoh giler but that was what happened. After that, i was somewhat traumatized. I wore ticker socks, covered myself from head to toe. The game we had to play was something like treasure hunt pakai compas, in the dusun durian. The pacat was everywhere. I heard screamings all around. Argghh....geli siot tgk pacat tgh gigit kat leher. However, none got to me after that. I think gua tak payah la nak susah2 overcome takut pacat. Too stressful.

These classmates of mine, quarter of the class are still single, and yang paling best, they never thought that I'll be 30 this month! Diorang ingat I'm the youngest of the lot and that I am no more than 25 years old. betul...

I'll be ending my 20s in a few days. I didnt give much thought that of it. Even now, takde lak rasa stress like some people do. But I need to reflect my life in the 20s and in the next coming years, on the expectations, my plans, my goals and my achievements. Cewahhh... bunyi matured gitu. I will for sure celebrate it. Cant do it at home since it's going through some renovation. I had a makan2 at the office today, sempena besday and also for being promoted and also some other things that I would like to celebrate..... Ramai betul dtg and everything finished at one go. Those who didnt eat kambing, skrg dah suka kambing, thanks to mom's menu of kambing goreng... Yummy....sedap betul. Rugi la ko takde Last Women!

Soon, I need to take a break. Ambik cuti ke apa ke.... But next week I'm going to Perhentian Besar and hope I can get some healthy tan.......Gotta end this right now. Tata.

Something to ponder:

Almost 30 years ago, Elvis Presley didnt know that he's gonna die in his jamban.