Monday, April 23, 2007

23rd April happenings...

Early this year, one of my resolution is to keep my office cubicle tidy. Today, I found a dead rat underneath my desk!

For a split second, I though I saw a computer cable in between office bags, but then I saw the body, I screamed like mad! Ewww. I think it ate the poison that we placed in some areas of the office and then when it was dying, it chose my cozy cubicle to die there. I have a sleeping place there, complete with pillow, blanket and foldable matress. This is only used during puasa month, or occasionally when I'm too exhausted mentally. Obviously, I am not going to use it anymore coz the rat started to smell when i found it. Kot ada kuman ke terkena kat tilam tu. But it's a wake up call to keep tidy.

I went to a hospital this morning for a check up coz I found a lump around my armpit area. I was paranoid, ofcourse. But after reading a few articles, the symptoms doesnt sound serious. So back to the hospital, I was expecting an old doctor but it was a young female doctor. Something bout her that irritates me. Maybe because she acts like she has been a doctor for 50 years. Maybe because she calls me sayang. Gua mmg anti orang tak kenal nak panggil2 sayang. Pastu she could not find the lump at first and I had to tell her how to look for it. Apa daa. Anyway, she said I dont have to worry bout it and gave me antibiotics.

Bila tulis ni, rupanya banyak jugak kejadian hari ini dalam sejarah. Heheh. Before I found the rat, I went for my MBA interview. It started with the english proficiency test, which some people might find it very tough. The interview went well. The lecturer said that for sure she will recommend me. Yeay. However, it is still up to the Board to decide. :)

About Kok, not much update other than another new info on his academic background. When he joined the company that i'm working for, he said that his DBA program at USM had to be postpones since his work here is very demanding. When checked, he has no record of doing diploma, degree or even master in USM. Indeed, USM have his record on his DBA but he was DIGUGURKAN. In his resume, it stated that his degree was from a university in Aussie, but we heard that he had never been there. Bodoh betol. Menipu pon tak reti. Tapi fraud dia terrer la. The company tu mmg ada and he is the director. His wife and sister too. :). Alamat company tu kat rumah dia. Best la jadi spy nih.

Hari tu masa boring and stress2 pasal interview promotion kena postpone....gua dah terbeli subang yg sgt cantik. Pastu the next day, terbeli pulak PDA. Hehe. Camner nak curb my shopping habit eh? Aku pikir, takpe la. As long as kena pandai2 spend and jgn broke sampai susah nak makan hari2. And I wont forget to put in savings.

For now I am happy and now much happier especially the people in my hate list dah berambus. One is Sanjaya. I hate his smile. His hair. Everything bout him. Some people can annoy me just like that. Lagi dua actually belom berambus la. One is Aizat. Althoh he did well in the last concert ( I didnt watch coz i muted the audio, so I heard he pulled it off), I still hate him. I feel like shoving up my fist up his nose . The other one is ofcourse Kok, his lobang hidung is equivalent to Aizat's as well but this Kok has thick skin with mopeng all over his face. Most of the time, I felt like giving him facial blotter to coz his skin is always oily and shiny. If the oil is collected from his face, you can goreng ikan. Geli tak? Aku lagi geli sbb hari2 tgk muka dia.

Heroes episode 19 is supposed to be out today. But as of now, it is still not uploaded in torrent. Tomorow I'll try again. Tak sabar nih.....

It's still too early for my bedtime but I'm so beat with all the work, appointments and driving in the hot sun and the rat. It was all energy consuming. I'm going to end my post now. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Postpone lagikkkk and cina bukit

My title says it all. I was all hyped up for my interview at 11.30 am today. I was confident with my preparation and truly ready to meet the Pn. Queen. I was waiting outside the interview room with my boss when the people inside the room came out, apologizing and said it has to be postponed. Pundekism. My boss was furious, but not in front of the Pn. Queen la. My collegue who is also scheduled to be interview pon keciwa. She drove all the way from her event in Penang for this interbiu. Bertambah stress when we got to know the date is 2nd week of next month. Uwaa... Tapi takpe, i guess mesti ada hikmah. Kalau tadi sempat jumpa pon sure kalut. I wouldnt have had the chance to impress and explain my work.
Opis gua tgh sibuk pasal sorang Kok nih. Dia ni belom sampai 40s and tak sama bangsa dgn aku. Cayanunalif la. Dulu dia masuk company ni and said he wants to help the country. Patriotic la konon. My ass. Pastu janji macam² and nak bring in millions. After a few ppl started to query him apsai tak dak apa pon. He said these things take time. Dia ni mmg terrer giler cakap. He has the answer to everything. I, too, was impressed initially. He also said he's the Regional Director for Intel la apa la. Pastu, later, we realize that he had been telling he's the Regional Director for Motorola la, Dell la. Aik....mana satu? Nak tipu pon...stick to your lie la. Agaknya dia ni memang penipu besaq until he's lost track of his lies. Mix up dah.
From there some of us dah start jadi spy tak bertauliah, including la my daddy at home tu. We got infos on his employment history, which is nothing like he had said. Semua company kecik. Kalau besaq pon is BCB. Basically dia keje jual saham, trust or jadi remiser ke apa ke. Ada contract ada permanent. Tapi all for short term. And there's gap in between employment and god knows dia dok buat apa. But today, we just found out that he's still attached with his previous company. Before dia join company gua nih, kitorang in a hurry to get him, so we paid his supposedly employer at that time, 2 months pay, which is most probably a RM2 company!!!
Giler betol. I have a con man working with me, same office lak tu. Nasib je dia bukan boss gua.. I didnt realize until now the extent of stupidity of the company that I'm working for. Tu la. Senang sgt kena teepo. Babi betol. Aku baru perasan hidup dia cam jubor babi. No kidding.
Aku mmg tengah bengang giler. Termasuk la sebab interview kena postpone, walaupun tu 1% je daripada marah aku nih. Sooner or later, he's gonna get fired. But I just feel like I need to do something. After this he would still get free ride from next company. Tah2 dulu pon dia dok con jugak. Lepas dia con, dia lay low for awhile pastu start conning again. Sial ler cina bukit nih. Usually aku tak kisah la sgt pasal bangsa ni, tp kalu dah terang2 take advantage mcm nih....mmg nak kena la.
Aku tatau la weder I can warn other companies jgn ambik dia. Distribute gambar ke apa. Report police ke. Dah byk duit company dia pakai. Minyak, credit card, his overseas trip (which tak bring any biz to us), isi minyak keter bini dia, mak pak dia, auntie and uncle...jiran². Cina bukit mmg camni la. Diorang ni byk kat pulau yg ada bangunan komtar tu.
Nanti ler aku continue len kali and see what is the outcime. For now he's in china, dono for what. we suspect that it has something to do that benefits him. Like bawak masuk skilled workers.
Maleh nak stress. Aku nak pi kedai berlian, nak test² kasi hilang stress.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oh Doris!

Pasal Doris tu no. 3. Tapi sajer nak tulis blog arini coz I'm feeling slightly agitated with the things going on around me.
1. Tomorow is my promotion interview for grade 21. My chinese boss gave me a grade 22 JD. I guess there is also the possibility for me to sit for grade 22. Yippee. Still nervous meeting with the panels but I cant wait for this to get over with. Potential killer question shall be expected since the panel are from technology management background, i think. Questions like... what are the directions for ind much do u know bout nano projects that we conduct... Boleh kot jawab just that AS gives me the creep. But I heard she's nicer now.
2. Another interview that I got called upon is next week. This one I have not prepared anything.
3. My cat...Doris has lost her innocence since I saw Stefan mounted her yesterday. Huhu. I just felt that she's too young to mate. But Stefan dah lama geram kot, as told by dad. And there's another kucing jalanan also nak ngorat dia. Bising tol. My dad call him Jessy Jones. Tak sempat nak post gambar dia in here. Next time la gua letak. Pastu gambar dia bunting lak. Uwaa. Cukup la dua ekor. I dont want my home to smell. Ye laa....kucing banyak2 mesti la ada bau. And my family is not the kind nak bela kucing tapi letak dlm cage.
4. I can still feel the exhaustion from PC Fair due to dehydration. Giler babas byk org kat KLCC. I learnt something from it. If you found something u like, buy it. Jgn sampai dah hujung2 and suddenly u decide to turn back and go against all crowd towards the other end. Adeh... But all stuff were good. Dad, who also love gadgets, bought the gorjes samsung 19" monitor for himself. Gua tgk dia surf internet mcm tgk TV. I bought portable HD, bluetooth earphone etc. Lagipun nak survey PDA.
Last week Last Women and me survey on new phones and we came across a nice Dopod model. So gua dah terberkenan tapi not as bad when I fell in love with my bracelet when i first saw it. One day I might get one. Asyik usung diary ke hulu ke hilir je. Tapi for me that constantly sms-ing, I would want the one with a keyboard. I think that is more practical. Ada Ami tu kata, Iphone lg cun, which is so true. Althoh takde keyboard by the virtual keypad is alrge and all. Takpe la, belom mau beli lagi. Wait for Iphone or apa² model yg best.
Gua pon dapat lagi sebijik laptop baru from opis. Besao la tp sesuai utk penggunaan kerja aku yg banyak pakai data. Kalau aku nk pakai la sbb desktop pon dah upgrade gempak² oleh company. TQ to my company.
5. PMS bulan ni dahsyat giler with unpredictable mood swings. I got easily annoyed but lucky I have understanding people around me. Sian kat J. I think I have to put up a sign around that time of the month saying that 'Beware: Make sure your lawak is funny' and 'Beware: Don't push your luck if I'm laughing'

Panjang la pulak gua tulis. Takpe, kasi release. Will continue soon. Aku tulis kaler2 mcm ni, sakit mata tak?

Friday, April 6, 2007

Dah merasa dah....

Few years ago, i forgot at what event, there was this rave party that was held at KL Tower. Despite all the ravers were sandwiched together, and your sweat got mixed up with at least 30 peoples' sweat on your way to the was awsome. Here's a pic that I still keep with Man River Baby. For as long as I've known him....which is like 13 years? 14 years? this is the first and the only time that we club together.
This Saturday, Speedzone will be held there. Gasak ler korang yg pegi tuh. Jgn dpt dehydration dah...and yg melaram tu...forget it coz you'll only get your mascara smeared with the heat and sweat. Anyway, takde sapa perasan korang dressep up coz everyone will seemed pretty and happy. Hehe. Have a safe trip.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The name Farina may refer to.....

Farina Pao Pucafranco, Colombian Singer, participates in the television programs X Factor
Fernando Farina, Argentinian e-ntrepreneur, founder and CEO of, well known as a bonnvivant and for his fine taste.
Giuseppe "Nino" Farina, Grand Prix racer and first Formula One World Drivers Champion
Battista "Pinin" Farina, an Italian automobile stylist
Johann Maria Farina, born in Italy 1685, died in Cologne in 1766, the creator of Eau de Cologne
Dennis Farina, an American actor
Richard Fariña, noted American author and folk music performer
Mimi Baez Fariña, sister of Joan Baezand wife of Richard Fariña, also a folk music performer
Allen "Farina" Hoskins, one of the African-American characters in the Our Gang (Little Rascals) short films
Neo & Farina, trance production and DJ duo David Lambie and Tristan Jones
Farina (Pearls Before Swine), a character in the comic strip Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis
Mark Farina, American house music DJ and producer, also known for his Mushroom Jazz series

Farina (food), an instant cereal powder
Farina di granturco (Italian for "cornmeal"), used to make

Farina is a village in Illinois, United States.
Farina, South Australia, is a town in South Australia
Farina (novel), an 1857 novel by George Meredith.
Farina Gegenueber, the world's oldest fragnance company in Cologne, Germany, who originated the term "eau de cologne"

From these facts, thats why I like techno so much, love taking instant cereals and have a lot of perfumes....

Got my dream...

Since my last entry...AF has become an ultimate kutuking subject.

This evening I found a cool raver blog which mentioned about the 3rd AF concert, but the link is in my office pc. Will insert it later. My least favourite is Noni....coz she laughs so much and she thought she's being cute but the fact is that it's making her look silly. She totally spoilt my favourite song. And then, there's Aswad (in that cool blog, he calls him Asswipe..heheh)...his hand movement annoys me like hell. Org utara sebut 'kelepiaq'. And wtf is wrong with his hair. It's like his hair tak ada parting and grows tak tentu hala in all direction. Tapi kesian la jugak sbb most of them org susah. I heard the father of the fat guy...alamak...tak ingat lak nama....his dad is a big shot in maxis....maybe that explains why he no. 2? Ok la...sambung kutuk lain kali.

No new date for my interview yet. I take this as an advantage for me since I am so tied up with the flagship programs till i have no time to prepare for the interview. Why do I need to prepare? Well, my other boss just had her interview and the panel was scrutinizing on details. Nak story dalam ni pon mcm tatau camner nak citer...but dengar mmg dahsyat la. Tak nak kasi naik pangkat, tak yah ler offer dak? So i better go in there well prepared. Anyway, this interview will determine your salary i intent to maximize my chances.
I went to MPH sale last saturday at one utama and bought load of good books, which I dont know when will i finish reading it. These are not novels, mainly on knowledge enhancement and development. I have started reading one of it....just need to find time to really read it. Setakat baca 3 page sebulan nak buat hapa. I think i need to have a reading schedule at home. Yep..I think I'll just do that. It's not necessary for me to watch TV since i've seen almost all episodes of every series there is... ..sampai penuh hard disk..

Other than that, in relation to my title above, I have finally found my dream tennis bracelet!! Trade-in the one I bought one month ago (which I also thought my dream bracelet). Masa tu bila dah beli, still dok masuk keluar kedai and try2 gelang...apa kess hah?? I think I talked to so many jeweller (org yg jual) about the bracelet that I want and gave them my number, so that they look for that tennis bracelet.
Finally, kat 1 utama jugak jumpa. I was with a friend mula2, pastu last woman pulak teman. I think we were in that shop for almost 1 1/2 hours, because nak pikiaq punya pasai. So I bought it finally. Anyway rugi la jugak bila trade in sbb white gold and diamond have no second value and i've only worn it for a month. But I cant help it since it is not what i wanted. But now, I am so happy with this one that whenever i woke up in the morning, i would kiss it. Bolehh?? Yeah...when it comes to pretty things, i can become crazy. Thats why they say diamonds are every women's best friend...The night before, Bodent was online with me and i was talking about my contemplating of buying a new one which cost me a fortune. He said, buy it as a reward for myself. So I did la. Lawa takkkk? Dalam pic ni tak nampak kilauan because ambic pic guna left hand so it shook a bit.

Masa dah decide tu, Last woman and Alex (the guy from the jewelery shop) said how my face lit up when i get to wear the bracelet...

Next cerita, is about a duda whois flirting with me. Usually I dont take flirts as a big deal (cewah)...but this one sajer nak share. It started when i was talking to him in a meeting that i organized. It was just a plain conversation, and then it developed into how he got divorced. Duhh?? WTF?? I maintained my straight face and said nothing. What kind of a guy that tells you his sob story the first time you ever talk to him? Desperado? He then offered to do my work (I suspect he took my notes, so that I will contact him and ask his favour). So he did my work and constantly calling me, night and day, telling me his progress on his work. And then his email started getting weird and this is when aku rasa geli geleman. Furthermore, many have started giving me warnings about him...seems that his kegatalan is well known. Sampai nun ke UKM...

This is my first experience of having someone from same workplace nak ngorat. Kalau org luar, I could just tell him to f*** off, which that is most extreme. How to do it subtly to a guy who is coming on strong and give you the creeps. My dilema is that he is an important member in that taskforce. Esok ada meeting dgn dia pulak tu... For now, I have been ignoring the best I can and avoid sitting near him. I hope Joe will watch over me.

Thats all for now.