Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm slacking

Hari tu kat opis, the ladies were talking about organizing a shopping trip to Bandung. One of the ladies ada baby so she's planning to bring her husband as well. Masa ni aku pikir nak bawak hubby ikut sama. Dia mesti suka punya. But i was reluctant because of the cost. Duit nak simpan, nak beli umah. Since then, I kept quite je and mcm malas nak pegi.

Yesterday, that lady yg nak bawak husband decided tanak bawak, coz dia kata mesti abg dia boring. So since now all ladies nye trip, aku mcm nak pegi la pulak. Akak2 ni are my close friends kat opis, kira my lunch partners la. So mesti la semua excited all of us nak pegi. Sekali ada sorang nak ikut (dia ni jenis selalu dikutuk blkg2 sbb mulut dia). Hmmm.....mcm agak potong la feeling tu tp if dia ikut cost hotel and transportation murah sket. Huahauahua. We all just need to bare dia kata laki dia sponsor la apa la. Like we care.

Bila dah excited2, i've realize i have not asked hubby yet. *Sigh.....mcm berat je mulut nak tanya. Masa petang, i fetched him as usual, buat2 sembang cerita apa jadi kat opis. So aku nampak aku nye peluang, aku pon ckp, "Owh syg.....diorg jadi nak pegi bandung, but all ladies since abg ikhsan not going. Can i go syg?". Dia pon dengan berat jawab, pegi laa. Huhu and hoorayyyyyyyy. Huhu tu sbb aku rasa aku kena pakai duit yg dia kasi aku bulan2 jek. Ye la. Dia ambik cukup makan utk dia. Hehe. So takpe, janji aku dapat pegi. Yippeee.

Hari ni, aku lom lagi start buat keje opis and it's almost noon. Sebabnya dari pagi kitorang dok bincang pasal bandung trip. ada yg kena tukar date la sbb husband takde, husband keje, takde jaga anak etc. Mcm aku more concern dgn cost. Tanak la habis camtu je. Duit nak shopping lagik. Anyway......saje je update blog ni. Till then, adios.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour

Yesterday's earth hour was our second time supporting it. Me, hubby and my folks and later joined by my uncle and auntie. Our main switch was off. Semua lepak luar umah menikmati the kegelapan and a bit of moon lighting.

*Tapi ada gak mala'un yg tak tutup lampu. Budus. Or simply ignorant.

With Earth Hour happening around the world at ironically different times, it would be a day or so before the full story would be known. In fact, as expected, Earth Hour was a success in many cases and it has been refreshing to see iconic landmarks and government buildings from around the globe taking part in the one hour switch off.

The date was the 28th March and at 8.30 pm in whatever time zone people lived in, the switch off happened. Starting in the Chatham Islands located in the south Pacific Ocean the lights began to go dark this trend continued around the world to include almost four thousand cities in eighty eight countries in twenty five different time zones, was it a success? You Bet!

Source [Inhabitat]

Monday, March 1, 2010

Yeayy......dah convo

Just realized that I didnt not publish this blog last read on.

Ahaaa......finally aku dah grad and officially an mba holder. but it is meaningless if aku keje mcm skrg, as in takde semangat and malas, and bosan dgn boss aku yg tidak capable itu. ...

Below are my convo pics.

Ni aku nye groupmate. Kekal from Semester 1 until final. Ada la members lain, tapi samada mereka kecundang or just menumpang sbb diorg dari batch sebelum nya. Yg laki tu nama dia Fairoz atau Fai. Yg tudung hitam is Nazaria or Naz. Diorg panggil aku Far. Hehe. Banyak cabaran tapi alhamdullilah, three of us got thru it. Fai pakai selempang sbb dia dapat anugerah dekan. i was in the same boat utk dapat this award, tapi bila kawin, i've got other priorities. Eheh....

Ni dalam hall.....kena pakai mask. Merepek gilers ok! Susah payah belajar and dapat pakai robe utk sarjana, kena spoilt by the stupid mask. Tapi takpe la, take precautions sbb masa tu tgh H1N1. Lagipun, tanak la berjangkit kat Agung and Permaisuri tersayang.

Proud hubby.
Ni my dad belanja kat Hotel UiTM, tapi we all satu family je. Kalau masa degree dulu, my parents belanjer kat Hard Rock Cafe KL with my friends yg sgt ramai. Aku rasa la kan, kalau aku buat PhD, mak bapak aku belanjer makan2 kat umah jek. Hehe....
Tapi apa2 pon, alhamdullilah aku dah habis. Skrg kena pergunakaan ilmu ni kat kerja aku. Pastu bila dah cukup experience, aku cabut ler carik keje lain.