Monday, March 26, 2007


Hehe...sorak ni bukan pasal sbb my interview date has been postpone. Giler la HR ni...ada ke notify gua in less than 24 hours. They inform my boss less than 18 hours. FYI, the boss gotta be there during the interview. Since my boss got prior arrangement so she asked for it to be postponed. I am relieved somehow and that I have sometime to prepare.

The 'I' Day

I was actually engrossed in my work when I got a call from HR informing me that my promotion interview is tomorow. The first emotion that hit me was "Yippee..!!!" and after that "Oh's too early!!. Now I think I have anxiety attack. I am nervous of meeting the panels (not mentally prepared yet) but hopefully soon I am OK. Bukan apa...probably the questions they will ask is on my opinions on things related to work. I have no problem putting it in writing coz i can have the time to think. So i would want to asnwer them intelligently. I hope my mind will work tomorow. What is worse is that I keep getting my sorethroat back and it's bloody painful when swallow. Argghh

For your info, I sat for my promotion exam last week. I wonder if I scored the exams since they called me this early? Hmmm....I'm happy that all my effort pays off. I guess my brain is not rusty just yet. It was very susah since I only had the weekend to study. The questions were on the company's vission and on 9th Malaysia Plan. Just to inform you, nobody had the courtesy to inform me (I was on leave and others kept to themselves...pundexisme kind of character). Anyway, my nice chinese boss informed me about the exam... phew nasib baik!

I'm going out to release my anxiety. Wish me luck for tomorow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Popping Chicken

I must have loved blogspot so much that I have another post today. Heheh. Bukan apa, I realized that the season of kutuk-ing is back again since Akademi Fantasia 5 started airing last weekend. Not wanting to get hooked, I purposely missed the introduction of the whole zing gang.

Nightime, I saw Mom and Bro glued to the TV. Looking at both expressions made me to sit down with them. Rupanya, depa dok tgk AF. Anyway, the talk was about the guy who looked like Mawi (with hair) was down with fever. The guy was explaining and said something like this, "Doktor dah mengesahkan saya mendapat Chicken Pop!!!". #%&*%#@*
Enuff said.
maybe some of you think why watch AF, if the program annoys me so much.
My answer is SUKA HATI AKU LAA...

My new craze...

Peeps, I finally got the photos from my water rafting last week. Like I said, it was awesome. I'm still suffering from sorethroat and now cough since I was screaming my lungs out. Anyway, here's the nice people that I went with. Gambar bawah ni ambik masa kitorang tengah rehat2. Penat woo...around 2 hours dok dalam air and it was hujan renyai².

Gambar bawah ni pulak kat one of the first spot that is worth screaming. You can see me and my mates were all open mouthed. In the pic it doesnt look challenging pon, but to me mmg dahsyat la. Air dia laju siot... And look at the guys, langsung tak nak paddle and both of them hanging on to the tali tepi raft for their dear life. Haha. Mcm korner baring pon ada...

Every time lepas satu rapid, semua lega and sengih².

This was the scariest rapid. the name is First Fall (kalau tak silap). Look at how curam the fall was. Gua takut giler jatuh dlm air and langgar batu.

Again....relieved looks....but actually we all stucked kat batu² nih.

Ni time nak balik. Sempat posing depan Gua Tempurung nye entrance, tapi bukannya pegi situ pon...Ape daa...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Seminggu punye cerita

Last Saturday I went to Sg Kampar for river rafting. It was a blast. I still havent got the pics since it's still with the organizer. But i had a peek at the pics and all my shots were mostly 'ternganga'. I was screaming like mad coz it was so thrilling. Eversince that, I have sorethroat, fever is slight. I bet it's the same with the rest who went rafting with me. But, I'd do this again, anytime.
Ms. Sempoi told me I have been tagged. Called her yesterday to ask wtf is being tagged means. She explained. So....hmmm...gua tak pelik la so it stops here. Hehe. Boleh tak?
I can give a long list bout the things that I do, which is different from other peeps. But... tak yah lee...tak penting nak citer dalam nih.
However, there are updates that I'm willing to share. My resolution of getting fit had to be slowed down since I've been too busy with work. But I still drink plenty of plain water. I hope mom will soon buy the water system that ensures high content of oxygen in the drinking water.
My skin got slightly tanned after the rafting episod. Please see my pics in my previous entry with kakak. The red blotches was obvious. The colour tone on the arms is worse.
With J....hehe. We are at the gayuting phase. Not sure when is the meeting part although it is still smoothly progressing.
I got my dream bracelet. Somehow, I am still going in and out of jewelery stores, trying other bracelets. Hehe. I guess, I have a new dream.
I met my new friend K for breakfast few days ago. She's fabulous. :)
Discipline wise, it's deteriorating. Room is messy all the time except for my bed. Mom once threatened to tear apart my matress, since she's the one who bought it and the bed for me and I promised to keep it neat always. Well, I still keep my promise. Cuma part lain je no promises were made.
I hope by next week, the pics are ready.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Seriously, we got nothing else better to do than taking snaps of our pics. Hehe.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Tears of Joy

Today I'm sharing my best friend's baby picture. Just in her second trimester and the baby is 16 weeks old. This is my first time experience of actually following through the journey of someone close having another life.

Please Vote

Hey peeps.... could you please go to this link and vote for Kelapa. It's a short stories competition and my friend wrote something. If you're free vote once a day.....3 days left. I think you could win something too. Thanks.