Sunday, December 25, 2011

Been so long

It's almost the end of 2011 and this blog was put to hiatus mode for more than a year. Thank god for the Blogger app for iPhone I'm able to post this now.

Wanted to blog about my pregnancy though, but ended up only creating the blog. Huhu. Since, I have already delivered, no point of writing anymore.

I always wonder why some people have so much time to blog? Twit is much easier.

Will write again.

Friday, August 20, 2010


I just realized that if i type my name in google search, this blog would be on the top list! Damn! I have no problem for others to read my blog but I'd hate it if this one person are still able to read about my on-goings. Who is this person, I can tell you directly if you ask me.
I also observed that there are viewers in KL, and i suddenly thought that it could be him. Who else wants to read about my lame blog, other than my already known buddies.

Plan of action.
1. Password protected my whole blog
2. Password protected on certain posts.
3. Re-create a new blog

Thursday, August 12, 2010


These few months aku hantar baju to a few tailors. sbb kain pasang yg blom jahit dah bertimbun. I also thought of trying new tailors yg murah. Usually aku hantar kat Kim, umah dia kat Sunway. Upah dia RM60 kalau kurung biasa.

So based on recommendations, aku hantar 6-7 helai ke tailor adik ipar aku kat Muar. Cina. Tgk kat kedai mcm ok la jahitan. Harga dlm RM40.

Lagi satu hantar kat Jitra, kawan baik aunty aku. Jumpa dia masa dia turun KL.

*part yg seterusnya ni sebenar aku dah tulis. tp tatau apsal tak keluar pulak. ni yg aku boring dgn blogger!

Ni kena tulis balik.

Anyway, kat tailor Jitra pon aku hantor byk. Mak aku pon. Semua kain beli kat Bandung.
Ada satu kain yg aku paling suka. Plan nak buat jubah. Kaler putih with pink labucin. Needs lining sbb jarang sikit tp kain dia not as soft as chiffon. Aku pon dah beli pink satin utk lining dia.
Sekali bila dapat, tailor tu jahit jadi kurung moden. The worse part is that dia pakai white lining. So putih melepak la baju aku. Kain lining dia buat kain. Sure nampak gemuk. Mmg aku tersgt dissapointed.
Aku pon tulis la rasa hampa aku kat fb. Pastu tercetus pulak bebalas2 comment antara kazen2 aku. Yg aku tak paham, kenapa diorg nak jadi defensive. Im not blaming their mom (coz mak dia yg rekomen and the tailor happens to be the mom's best friend). I'm just commenting on the workmanship. Maybe la aku tak patut tulis.....dont know. Kalau ikut hati aku dah las balik la tanya wats your problem. But malas la.
Pasni ingat takmo la letak2 apa status yg berunsurkan emo. Aku pon kadang baca org nye status, ada gak rasa meluat. Huhu....

Lesson learnt.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jalan-jalan Selatan

Last weekend, we head down to South. Satu sbb aku ada keje kat PERSADA, lagi satu nak jumpa sedara2 belah laki aku. On the way tu, singgah Muo tido satu malam. Happy nye anak buah aku Aliff manja dgn aku. Aliff is Ain's son. Ain is hubby's youngest sister, and she has a twin, Huda. Diorg ni kalau aku balik, mmg berkepit je.
Kat Jb aku tido umah auntie laki aku. Anak pompuan dia kira hubby's cousin and was our pengapit during my wedding. Just got to know that she just went through a divorce dalam sebulan dua hari tu. Dia kawin dua minggu je sebelum aku kawin. Huhu. Tapi she's the only one in the family yg kawin bukan syed. She married a keling (India muslim, not mamak).
Masa kat JB, byk berjalan sbb aunty laki aku tu suker je gi amna2. Dia bising apsal tak bawak passport, if not we could go to Singapore. Huhu...Ingat bulan poser nak turun lagi try bukan poser kat sana.....sbb aunty laki aku ada buka stall kat pasar ramadhan. Yum yum.

Jalan-jalan utara

Me, hubby, mom and bro had a road trip to Kedah two weekends ago. Sajer la jalan. Satu nak ambik barang2 arwah my grandma kat Sg Petani and Sik, disamping bawak hubby jumpa sedara2 belah my mom. Most of them dah tua2, and masa kenduri tak dapat datang. Org paling seronok masa road trip adalah hubby ku sbb ni la first time dia jejak kaki kat negeri Kedah. We all spent 2 nights kat rumah sedara kat Langkawi, siap dgn aktiviti island hopping and tour the island. Aku pon seronok jugak, sbb mcm vacation je. Release stress keje. Pastu mengimbau kembali zaman aku kanak2 masa berkampung kat Langkawi.

Ni kat rumah tok cik kat Alor Setar, the only surviving sibling of tok mama. He's so adorable. Aku masa tu determine to help him find the test strips for his diebetic monitoring device. Arwah anak dia beli kat US, pastu dia dah tatau mcm mana nak beli refill test strips. Mak aku offer nak beli device baru, if the strips tak jual kat Mesia. Nasib aku jumpa ada pharmacy kat Subang jual. Dapat la dia pakai....kenangan arwah anak dia beli.

Gambar ni masa nak gi island hopping. Aku luper nak wax kaki, so tak dapat la pakai shorts masa mandi. Sbb tu aku berpakaian muslimah...hehe.

Ni masa kat cable car tgh beratur. Mak aku dgn adik aku punya lah cuak naik benda tu. Hehe. Gambar ada tapi tak sampai hati nak letak kat internet. Sila ambil maklum, spek laki aku terjatuh masuk jamban kat Makam Mahsuri. Sedih tak terkata, walaupun tu spek tipu. Aku kata nasib baik dia tak beli yg dia mula2 nak which is mahal giler.
Weekend baru ni, aku dgn hubby jalan2 selatan. Ye laa....nak dekat puasa, so pulun je weekend utk berjalan. (to be continued).

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Maya Karin

Hari tu my opis ada organise Minggu Alam Sekitar. Sebabkan nak menarik minat org (internal) dtg, my company invited Maya Karin, since dia duta Alam Sekitar.

Kalau org yg takde keje, maybe la sanggup pegi dengar taklimat. Aku dengar Maya Karin siap menyanyi.....but I stayed in the office, buat kijer.

However, sempena function ni, ada gak bukak booth jual2 barang. Ada gerai buah, ada gerai nestle (jual maggi), ada jugak booth jual vitamin. So part ni aku berminat, so aku pon pegi la kat blok 5 (the main building).

Aku tgk vitamin dia mmg la murah. Bukan murah la.....giler babi murah...ada yg RM1. Bila aku check, rupanya product2 ni is about to expire....dlm 1-6 months. Although dia claim boleh makan lepas expired, ada berani ka mau makan. I bet mamat yg jual tu makan capsule yg fresh from kilang. Tp aku beli gak la for me and hubby....hehe.

Anyway, masa tgh pilih2 ubat, Maya Karin pon datang area situ. Mula2 mata kitorg aku sengih. Second time dia lalu2 dekat dgn aku, aku kata Hai. Pastu dah alang2 ada kat situ.....aku pon tanya, "Salam boleh....?"...Masa tu aku terasa cam agak bangang sbb soklan tu cam akward. Lain la if aku laki and peminat dia. Pastu di kala aku rasa akward, kitorang bersalaman....dia pon tanya aku "Apa kabar?.."...Aku tak ingat apa aku jawab. Hehe. I was star struck....and i thought i'd be the last person jadi kaku biler jumpa artist.

Komen aku pasal MK, mmg lawa tp mekap dia tebal. kalau tak tebal mesti gorjes.

p/s tangan dia lembut sangattttt

Thursday, July 15, 2010

No title

Lama nye tak update....antara sebab nya busy dgn work. It's not easy to go into a business where you think it's quite feasible, and yet your management dont want to take risk. And you have hell of a time writing to convinve them in the paper.

My beloved cat, Abey, passed away end of May. Due to skin cancer, he had to be put to sleep. It was such a hard decision, which I can never have the strength to make. So my dad did. I was so sad and distraught sampai there was a time I was hyper ventilating. I could hardly breathe. Masa tu hubby was drib=ving and consoling me. Suddenly i was grasping for air, sampai hubby terpaksa berhenti emergency tepi highway. I think i cried too hard. Is there such a thing.... crying too hard? When tok ma passed away, takde la nangis seteruk ni. I miss Abey until now. Couldnt bring myself to look at his pic. Huhu. Every night before i fall asleep, I would think of Abey. Ramai kata, Abey pegi sbb nak kasi aku baby. *Sobs*

Lagi satu reason tak update sbb aku bosan giler dgn blogspot biler nak upload pic. Why do they want to make it difficult to rearrange pics in a post. Blah!